Yes there is a part two. The previous diagrams was getting the idea out of my head. Now that I have looked at it, there are a few changes I want to make.
There are too many maintenance buildings, there are currently four buildings that are, coach/carriage shed, steam locomotive maintenance, diesel locomotive maintenance, and HST/DMU maintenance buildings. Instead I should be able to make do with one or two buildings, one building with between 2, 3, or 4 rail access should be fine. One rail access section could be lengthened to support three car DMUs. As for the HST, it can be uncoupled and the parts (coach or power car) requiring maintenance can be shunted into the facility.
There are two separate facilities to handle steam and diesel locomotives, which are separated by the main line. Instead both facilities should be merge, allowing for the sharing of facilities and yard track. The turntable can be used for both diesel and steam locomotives, also providing them access to locomotive storage tracks. This has the impact of removing some complexity by the removal of paths into and out of the previous plans steam facility. Which allowed for the reshuffling of points and slips positions which will allow the layout to be shortened.
Currently there are two stabling areas, instead they will be merged, and the location will be where the coach stabling tracks are. The approach tracks will need to be adjusted to ensure full length HST (rake of seven coaches) will fit in the HST stabling section. The HST and DMU stabling will be as close as possible to the diesel refuelling area, and furtherest from the station platforms.
The bay platforms (platforms 1 and 2) will stay as they have little impact on the positioning of points and slips, plus I like the idea a bay platform.
There will no longer be a head shunt, instead any of the three tracks the connect to the station can be used. But the default track to use is the third line - which is bidirectional and terminates by linking back into the two line mainline. This track is an alternative path to the station in case there is an issue with the approach track.
Building up and breaking down a rake of coaches can be done within the yard.
Version 5.08 of the Terminus |